понедељак, 12. април 2010.



For hikers and lovers of extreme sports paradise on earth

North of Bor in 1156 meters above sea level is a table. It is surrounded by the Great kršom to 1148 meters and a small kršom 929 meters above the Deli Jovan visine.Izmedju to 1135 meters, its paved and elevated level of the named table.

And on the table, as I suit, gave the heavenly table is a unique beauty.

Mountain mass surplice was constructed of massive limestone deposits., Which are extracted faults, and can be considered Horst hills, with the fall of the layers to the southwest and to 4o degrees, which presents unique challenges to mountain win .. The cover system is known in eastern Serbia

At the top is a small lake, which symbolically represents a glass filled to the top of the table., And is suitable for fishing, and I for one bravest, easy, cold bath height.

Meadows, pastures sparse forest, provide a table and its immediate surroundings, special and unique features, especially in the spring, when everything zazeleni .. S flamboyantly colorful autumn, as flowers in the wind ruja titer flame color, and it seemed to burn Desk float ..

On the table is palaninarski home with 26 beds and is always open.

This house was never closed, doors were always open to hikers, hunters, nature lovers, and the kitchen is always in the local arts and crafts, such as yourself ready, table will be rich.

A favorite meeting place for mountain climbers, scouts, and I live lovaca.Često children from Bor in Poland continues

The easiest approach him from the direction I Krivelj Bučja or Lower White River and the Port.

Climbing, a long stay in prirodii hunting, and extreme sports, tour the base content table space of peace, serenity and freshness of the mountain ..

Welcome to the Desk with the heavenly table above Bor.
Jovan S.Mitrović



Za planinare I ljubitelje ekstremnih sportova raj na zemlji

Severno od Bora na 1.156 metara nadmorske visine nalazi se Stol .Okružen je Velikim kršom sa 1148 metara I Malim kršom 929 metara nadmorske visine.Izmedju je Deli Jovan sa 1135 metara ,njegov ravni popločani I uzdignuti deo nazvan je Stol .

A na Stolu,onako kako I priliči , nebeska trpeza podarila je jedinstvenu lepotu.

Planinska masa Stola izgradjena je od ogromnih naslaga krečnjaka.,koji su rasedima izdvojeni,te se može smatrati horst uzvišenjima,sa padom slojeva prema jugozapadu I do 4o stepeni,što predstavlja jedinstveni izazov za planinarsko osvajanje.. Što predstavlja poznati sistem navlaka u istočnoj Srbiji

Na vrhu se nalazi malo jezero,koje simbolično predstavlja napunjenu čašu na vrhu Stola., I pogodno je za ribolov ,a I za one najhrabrije, lako ,hladno visinsko kupanje.

Livade,pašnjaci proredjene šume,daju Stolu I njegovoj neposrednoj okolini,poseban I jedinstven izgled,a posebno u proleće,kada sve zazeleni..S jeseni je kitnjasto šaren,jer buketi ruja titraju na vetru plamenom bojom,pa se učini da Stol gori I lebdi..

Na Stolu se nalazi palaninarski dom sa 26 ležajeva I stalno je otvoren.

Ovaj Dom se nikada ne zatvara,vrata su uvek otvorena za planinare,lovce,ljubitelje prirode,a kuhinja je uvek u domaćoj radinosti,što god sami spremite,trpeza će biti bogata.

Omiljeno je sastajalište planinara,izvidjača, I lovaca.Često borave I deca iz Bora na poljskoj nastavi

Najlakši prilaz mu je iz pravca Krivelja I Bučja,odnosno Donje Bele Reke I Luke.

Planinarenje,dug boravak u prirodii lov, I ekstremni sportovi ,osnove su turističkog sadržaja Stola,prostora mira,spokojstva I planinske svežine..

Dobro došli na Stol uz nebesku trpezu iznad Bora.